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Chinese metaphysics

master your personal qi

the ancient tools of chinese metaphysics are now available to us in the western countries. it has a proven track record that spans thousands of years. Now here is your chance to use this ancient science…to achieve a higher level of success!

These metaphysical tools can tell what the current blockages are in your business. We also have the tools to find the solution to the blockages. Once we know the problem and the solution, we use the Feng Shui in the house or office to mitigate these problems.
For example: If we find that the blocker in your business is an unyielding sales strategy. Then we will activate your personal Peach Blossom and also activate the house Peach Blossom. Also using the Academic Star for gaining new skills in this area.
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Date Selection App

Master COsmic qi
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Select dates for success

When you are supported by cosmic energies,
you can achieve twice as much in half the time.
The Date Selection App will make sure that you are
> starting you business on the right days,
> investing the right dates in you relationships,
> using the right dates to renovate your house
> You are starting your diet on the right date 
Download APP Now


Master your personal qi
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Personal Destiny Analysis

Know Thyself, Love Thyself, Be Thyself ~ Delphic Oracle Have you ever wondered why some people just to have it all…no matter what bad things happen to them, they bounce back and get on top again. The secret to this is knowing yourself.  What is the perfect career for you and what is your luck outlook. There is tremendous power in knowing yourself. 
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Would you let anybody enter your front door? No, you would not, you would first see who is at the door before you open it. The same applies to qi – do you know what type of qi is entering your house. More importantly do you if it is having a positive or negative impact on you and your family. The type and quality of qi impacts on your health, career and money opportunities.
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A house is one of the most exciting assets to buy. It is the most expensive purchase we make in our lives. Why not ensure that your liability is actually an investment. You can achieve this by selecting a house with the right energy structure that will support you and your family. The direction and the natural environment influences the type of energy that fuels the house.
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home office FENG SHUI AUDIT

If you have an office in your home, why not maximize this area. Find out what is the best location and direction to place your desk. If you have any water, like a fish tank – find out what is the best location for this. But most importantly know how to engage the energy system within your house and get the best possible energy to support your ambitions.
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business owner services

master your personal qi

What kind of a Business Leader are You?

I don’t believe that there can be a text book answer to leadership, in fact all people are different and their leadership qualities and styles are unique to them. .

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My Leader style Analysis

Awareness is often under-rated, but once you can say that I am a the type of leader that is a stickler for detail and I expect tasks done on time, then a lot more work will get done.

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Building the Right Team - Fit for Purpose Team

Awareness is often under-rated, but once you can say that I am a the type of leader that is a stickler for detail and I expect tasks done on time, then a lot more work will get done.
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Hiring the Right Staff

Before you make the mistake of hiring the wrong person that could be toxic to your business, check that they have the right qualities to synergize within the team and business goals.
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chinese metaphysics

master your personal qi

FENG SHUI is part of the Chinese Metaphysics school. It Uses the natural energy of the environment to connect you to opportunities and abundance.  Earthly energies are influenced by form and time. So different areas have different types of energy/qi and influences you differently. 

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Bazi - Personal Destiny Map

Design your Success - Master your Destiny

Learn about your inherent LIFE PURPOSE and master your unique cosmic blueprint for success. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain
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Master your Space at Home and at Work

Qi is entering your house and office and it is influencing your ability either positively or negative to attain success. Know what Qi is entering your home and align it to your goals with a Feng Shui Audit.
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Qi Men - Strategic Execution

Sun Tzu's Art of War for Business Success

The world of business today is a modern battlefield of challenges and stress. Remove the stress and master the challenges with a tool that has ensured success for thousands of Business Tycoons and Ancient Emporers.
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